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Black Easter

James Blish

Centipede Press

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Samuel Araya / Chris Moore / Wayne Douglas Barlowe / Allen Koszowski

J.A. Lawrence

Median Market Value

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Black Easter
Black Easter

CP website synopsis

This is the third book in Blish’s quasi-religious quartet After Such Knowledge. Black Easter is more of a horror novel, with demons unleashed from Hell to have sway over the earth.
      This is the third book of the quartet of books called After Such Knowledge. Book four of the series, The Day After Judgment,will be available later in 2022.
      This new edition of Black Easter has a new introduction by J.A. Lawrence, new cover and interior artwork by Samuel Araya, new interior art by Allen Koszowski, and archival artwork by Chris Moore and Wayne Douglas Barlowe.
       The specifications for this set are: one book, printed in four colors and one color throughout, bound in European cloth with two hits of foil stamping, top-edge stain, ribbon marker, patterned endpapers, and a handsome dustjacket.

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