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Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle


Centipede Press

Author signature


List Price


Publication year






Alex McVey

John Pelan

Median Market Value

Recorded Sales



Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle
Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle

50.a.i Full cloth binding, quarter black cloth spine, gold foil stamping on spine, printed front board and black cloth back board, head and tailbands, ribbon marker: 250 limitation - $65

CP website synopsis

Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle is a massive, oversize, celebration of the lives of H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap Long, Seabury Quinn, E. Hoffmann Price, Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore, Lee Brown Coye, Hannes Bok, August Derleth, Edmond Hamilton, Manly Wade Wellman, Fritz Leiber, Ray Bradbury, Robert Bloch, Donald Wandrei, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, and many others. Each writer has their own section in the book, complete with a custom drawing of the author by noted artist Alex McVey.
       The sections contain letters and essays by the writers, with many interviews and memoirs about the writers, often by other writers from the Circle. With dozens of color and black & white photographs, and many of the articles never before reprinted (several coming from 1930s and 1940s fanzines that are now very difficult to find), this is an important and illuminating look at a group of people that defined an era. There is also a lengthy article on Weird Tales cover art with full-color reprints on nearly fifty Weird Tales covers, many of them printed at full page size. Essential for every fantasy and horror fan.
       The book is a large sewn hardcover measuring 7 × 12 inches, over two inches thick, with 754 pages, with an image by Stephen Hickman printed on the front cover cloth, and black cloth on the spines and back. The book is rounded, with head and tail bands, and a ribbon marker, with black endsheets.

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