Some of your Blood
Theodore Sturgeon
Centipede Press
Author signature
List Price
Publication year
Harry O Morris
Steve Tasnic Rem
Median Market Value
Recorded Sales

8.a Quarterbound leather and cloth, traycased, signed by Steve Rasnic Tem and Harry O. Morris: 20/22 limitation -$225 (Red roman numerals)
8.b Clothbound with dustjacket, signed by Steve Rasnic Tem and Harry O. Morris: 300 limitation - $50
8.c Trade paperback: 3000 limitation - $12
Published as Millipede Press; 2006
Original price: $225/$50/$12
This is the first book under the imprint Millipede Press. The rest of the 2006 releases were put out under this imprint: The Face That Must Die, Here Comes A Candle, and Falling Angel
Some of Your Blood was the first title from this imprint, which was featured on and off until about 2010. For all of these books (that I’m aware of), there were deluxe, numbered, and trade paperback editions.
The deluxe versions are quarterbound with black leather, and generally have red cloth front and back boards. I know of at least one with black leather boards, but I’m not sure if there are other colors (I haven’t seen them all), or if there are other materials (see: “I haven’t seen them all”), so I’ll take them one-by-one. They are traycased in black cloth cases with foil-stamped spines, and, something that I think is cool: the interiors of the traycases have the art that’s on the dustjackets (since it’s not on the books themselves). The numbered books are either clothbound or faux-leather bound or very slightly possibly real-leather bound (later note on this), with dustjackets done in the same style.
Generally, the endpapers are plain for the numbered version, and the deluxe version has the textured black swirly paper that first showed up in Two-Handed Engine and which I promised was going to make many future appearances.
The composition of the numbered editions changes, though, and there are often multiple states based on differences in the spine, binding materials, stamping, ribbons, etc.
On to this particular title!
As has happened previously, there is some disagreement about the exact number of copies. The limitation page says 20 deluxe copies, but there are some early newsletters that say 22. However, there’s also a caveat at the end of the limitation page that says “All other copies are reserved for the press.” This may mean that there are more than 20 deluxe copies but that some of them (2 perhaps…) were not publicly available when printed. There is an upcoming book for which this occurred but I haven’t confirmed it in this particular case.
The spine of the actual deluxe edition is black leather and is blindstamped with the title, a small decoration, and the last name of the author. This particular configuration of spine is going to come back multiple times in the future, on both lettered and numbered editions. Blindstamping on this material was an interesting choice – I like it – and makes it hard to read unless at an angle.
The gallery has a shot of the front boards of the deluxe and numbered state together. The deluxe is on the left – quarter black leather and red cloth. The numbered is on the right – faux-leather (I believe) for the spine, and the same material in red for the front board. It’s often referred to as “leather bound” in auctions and online but I don’t think it is actual leather. I’m not positive though – I could be wrong!
Limitation page for the numbered and roman numeral are hand-written , which is very unusual and soon phased-out completely.
See the gallery interior page (all editions) picture. The limitation page notes that this is the “Fleischmann” font and a random website says this: “ The robust typeface consists of text and display cuts making the font incredibly flexible for editorial design. The font features attention-getting ornate serifs and a large selection of ligatures that gives it’s characteristic form.”
Bibliography by Timothy Booksker adapted from thedarktower forum
Synopsis from Centipede Press website
Theodore Sturgeon’s dark look at the vampire myth was an instant classic when originally published in 1961. When George Smith is arrested for assaulting a senior officer, a military psychiatrist is assigned to the case. The secret of George’s past is unearthed, and a history of blood lust and murder. Includes an introduction by Steve Rasnic Tem and a bonus short story, Bright Segment.
The hardcover is bound in a three-piece cloth construction and comes with a dustjacket. It is limited to 300 copies and each copy is signed by Steve Rasnic Tem and cover artist Harry O. Morris.
See also: Deluxe edition