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Started in 2020 by Rich Tong as Lyra's Books with Stardust. After this initial release books were released under two imprints: Lyra's Classics and Lyra's Press

Stardust Standard Mustard

Neil Gaiman

Coraline - The Red Thread Edition - numbered

Neil Gaiman

The Alchemist standard ochre

Paulo Coelho

Stardust Standard Blue

Neil Gaiman

Coraline - The Red Thread Edition - lettered

Neil Gaiman

The Alchemist numbered

Paulo Coelho

Stardust numbered Leather

Neil Gaiman

A Christmas Carol numbered

Charles Dickens

The Alchemist lettered

Paulo Coelho

Stardust lettered edition

Neil Gaiman

A Christmas Carol lettered

Charles Dickens

The Picture of Dorian Gray numbered

Oscar Wilde

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz numbered

L. Frank Baum

The Picture of Dorian Gray lettered

Oscar Wilde

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz lettered

L. Frank Baum

Coraline - The Red Thread Edition - standard

Neil Gaiman

The Alchemist standard gold

Paulo Coelho

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